I'm definitely going to join Postrcrossing! What a brilliant idea, I didn't know it existed. It reminds me of when I was a child and I had penpals. Lovely! In fact I met one of my penpals 35 years later totally randomly through a mutual friend. I mean, what are the odds? She was a wonderful woman, a couple of years older than me. Sadly, she died in a tragic accident a few years ago, but we'd been in touch since we were 15 years old. I do believe that most humans are good, and want the best for others. It's just that the unpleasant ones tend to be slightly more vocal... ! But we all just want to connect. Take care of yourself! xx

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Hi Francesca! What an incredible story about meeting your penpal. I get goosebumps just thinking about what is most have been like to run into her all those decades later. I totally agree with your statement on most folks being good, with the unpleasant unfortunately being more vocal. One thing I've been trying to remember is that many of those unpleasant people *think* they're doing good as well... only their idea of good looks different than the rest of ours haha! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!

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Hi! Yes, it was pretty crazy what happened. Here is a little more detail: when I was about 20 I worked as a secretary for a few months and met this wonderful English girl who became my best friend - and still is . I’m now 62. Her name is Victoria and her mother had a house in Ibiza. I knew that Sandra, my pen pal- who lived in Singapore - spent her summers in ibiza as her parents had a house there. So I said to Victoria, “ do you know Sandra S? “ Well, she nearly fell over! Sandra was one of her closest friends! I went on to finally meet Sandra in ibiza via Victoria and we spent loads of time together , the three of us during many summers. Ibiza inspired me so much that I set my romcom there, Just Like A Movie! It was terrible when Sandra died, such a crazy freak accident. She was in her early 50s.

As for meanies, they probably don’t think they’re mean 😂 But they are, because we’re nice! Xx

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WOW! One of those 'truth is stranger than fiction' moments!

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Sometimes when I’m not in a rush, I’ll pull into our carport and just sit in my car before going inside. It feels oddly luxurious. So here I am reading this and fully getting teary eyed. I had never heard of this postcrossing 🤯🤯 and I’m SO in.

Also, I fully relate to the struggle to understand—are we good or are we bad? Of course it’s both and neither but that doesn’t feel very satisfying. What I do know from my time as a therapist is that everyone is just wanting to feel understood and seen as they are, where they’ve been hurt. When that doesn’t happen, chaos, pain, projection, harm, dissociation and so on occurs. Which makes me think, not only does postcrossing restore your faith in humanity, it also adds to more people being seen and cherished.

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Kaitlyn! Your comment means the world to me, seriously. You nailed it - we all just want to be seen and understood. I find the thing that most nourishes my soul in hard times is trying to do something kind for someone else. It's like the one thing that gives me energy when things feel like a mess. I also do the post-drive, pre-home driveway thing myself... it's the best. We humans really are all the same, aren't we haha! <3

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I have always dreamed of a world where snail mail was a thing and people sent postcards again!! Ahhhh thank you for introducing us to it!!!! I'm definitely going to join Postcrossing asap! What a beautiful notion.

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I love to hear this! It is so much fun and so heartwarming. <3

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Weeping over here. I love this. During the pandemic, I participated in the Reddit Secret Santa to feel some sort of connection while isolated. I know humans are intrinsically connected yet for whatever wolf we're feeding, we can feel so far apart. I tend to feel like everyone is rotten too so this is such a beautiful reminder of our shared human connection. For what matters most==loving each other. Heading to sign up now!! <3

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LOVE it! It's so much fun. I was so sad to see the Reddit Secret Santa ended recently. It always sounded so sweet. So glad you got to participate in that. I hope you have the best time with Postcrossing, it is truly life changing!

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Something recently in my life has made me lose a little bit of my faith in my humanity, so your recommendation of Humankind: A Hopeful History comes at the perfect time—thank you for sharing! And Postcrossing also sounds like such an amazing recommendation, something I definitely have to check out!

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I completely understand where you’re coming from. It can be so hard to stay optimistic. The mean voices can be so much louder. Hope you get to check out that book and postcrossing - they’ve kept me sane! Thank you for sharing! 💕

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Thank you for this emotionally-packed introduction to Postcrossing! I loooove writing to my friends and family, but have never written a stranger (except trying to peer pressure people into registering to vote). How thrilling! Congrats on the ~500 cards that you’ve written. 🥹

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You will love it, Kelsey! I’m so glad you’re going to try it! ❤️

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Me too, thanks again! I just signed up!

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8Liked by Gabriella

Oh man, Postcrossing sounds awesome! You've inspired me to sign up.

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Hi Marissa! That makes me so happy!! You are going to love it. It’s so much fun to get mail that’s not just junk and bills. 💕

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I love that this exists! I used to write my friends while I was away at college and it was so fun. It definitely started my stationary collecting. But this is so cool! What a great way to see humanity in the best way--thank you for sharing this.

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Hi Crystal! So cool that you wrote to your friends in college! I love any excuse to collect stationary. So much cute stuff out there. 💕

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Thank you for bringing Postcrossing to my attention! I had a penpal when I was a kid and I met her once and it was a little underwhelming because I quickly realized she was just like me. I mean, she wasn't really, but I wasn't expecting us both to be just normal people. I think now, realizing that everyone is just sort of normal people would be heartwarming and wonderful.

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Aww I love the story of you meeting your penpal! So funny to see the different takeaways as an adult versus a little kid.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Gabriella

What a beautiful practice! 💌🥹 One minute I’m planning on google searching sequin lobster sweaters (because, yes) and the next minute I’m moved to tears with your postcrossing rituals. I have never heard of this but I absolutely love the concept. I mail cards for all my friends/family birthdays or celebratory occasions. My grandma always taught me the importance of a card in the mail and I’ve made it my mission to keep that tradition alive. Thanks so much for sharing about this amazing program.

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I am devastated to report the lobster sweater has sold out! Now that I've discovered this, I'm having FOMO. Is it not the cutest in it's little lobster sweater?? https://factory.jcrew.com/p/womens/categories/clothing/sweaters/pullovers/CA416?

I love that you snail mail cards! Grandmas really are the queens of cards. My grandmother-in-law is 92 and I still receive cards from her for everything (sometimes it's the wrong holiday but she tries haha!). I should really take after you are start sending more cards. Thank you for sharing, Lauren!! <3

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Oohh I am so intrigued by Postcrossing! I had a penpal from Russia starting at age 13 and we've met in person a few times and still stay in contact. I am also adding that book by Bregman to my to-read list. I've been reading a lot of fiction and it is almost time for a non-fiction palate cleanser. Thanks for the recommendation!

As an alternative to Crocs, may I suggest the Birkenstock Arizona made from Eva/plastic? I am kind of embarrassed to admit that I just bought my second pair. They're comfy, they stay on, they're probably less sweaty than Crocs, and they stay on (worth mentioning twice), they go with a lot of different outfits, and they're usually podiatrist-approved. I first bough a pink pair and I wear them all the time so I decided I needed a more functional color and also bought the black.

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The Bregman book is great - let me know what you think! It's a quick read. Love that you had a penpal in Russia and that you actually were able to meet! I so hope one day I can meet my penpal too. The mail situation with Russia is a bit sad at the moment. I can receive postcards from Russia, but the USPS has suspended outgoing mail to Russia. That hasn't stopped people from trying different ways to get things to them though haha!

Okay, so I LOVE those Birkenstocks to you mentioned! They look like a pair of EVA Old Navy sandals I literally wore until they had holes in them (and in fact still wear to run errands...). The price isn't bad either?? Leaning towards the eggshell color. I will report back. Thank YOU for the suggestion!

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I can only imagine the mail situation with Russia. Even when I was 13, our mail was always ripped open and retaped by the postal service in each country when we received it. I hope something lifts you out of your funk soon and you feel more even keeled. :)

Let me know if you get the Eggshell Birks. I just love mine.

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