Fun post, my results came back as "intermediate" - the dolphin. Go to bed a little early but also sleep in a little because of waking up throughout the night...mmhmmm! 🐬 The social jet lag info is super interesting, I feel like work places should account for this. Maybe one day? Have a good week (yay, a short one!). xx

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My husband is a dolphin too! I don't think that man ever is fully asleep. You mysterious creatures! Full on ready to embrace showing up late to work with the excuse that I'm a wolf, what's a girl to do? Enjoy your short week too!! <3

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I have always thought of myself as a morning person and the Morningness-Eveningness quiz told me I'm moderate morning. I think I am a mix of the lion and the bear. I like to get up early but I would not want to have to start work earlier than 8 am and I happily wake up at 6 or 6:15 to walk/run/exercise or have me-time before work starts. I've never heard of social jet-lag that was a really interesting concept, thanks for sharing!

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The social jet leg concept blew my mind! After sleeping twelve hours yesterday to make up for my messy weekend schedule, I believe it 100%. Your schedule sounds honestly perfect. I feel like it would be the best ever to have exercise knocked out for the day first thing in the morning.

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I need to do this assessment. I think about this all the time. Especially as I’ve seemed to have changed since having an alarm clock in the shape and size of my preschooler.

Thank you for doing all this labor for us in breaking this down. I really do believe (and see with clients) that we have these natural rhythms that our culture often asks us to bypass.

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Oh my goodness, your tiny alarm clock! I was also reading about how our sleep patterns change as we get older. It really is wild how we all just suck it up and force ourselves into these rigid schedules that can make some of us exhausted all the time. Thank you for reading and sharing! You've gotta let me know what your assessment ended up saying!

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