Gabriella, I absolutely adore you. Perfectly designed libraries are wonderful but what's better is a real life with books. And that's what YOU have. 🤓📚🥰

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The feeling is mutual Petya!! <3 <3 And you have no idea how much I needed to hear this today!

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What a fun post, I love getting a glimpse at personal libraries! Cute rainbow collection in your living room. Mine is currently three tall piles on my office floor. I'm hoping to upgrade to a one of "the finest particle board" towers in the near future - just waiting for the perfect one to present itself. Really loved and connected to what you wrote about your tbr books. Little glimmers to look forward to. ✨

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Thank you for reading, Lauren! You MUST post when you finalize your book tower upgrade, because I know it will be the chicest display I've ever seen. I still need to put some art up in my living room - the poor books are the only hint of decor I've got. The shame!

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What a wonderfully bookish post! This is my local library


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Oh I am absolutely SWOONING over your library! This picture especially: https://morrablibrary.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/IMG_0997-1-1536x1152.jpg

I could just spent days in there!

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It’s gorgeous isn’t it! Well if you’re ever in the area, I’ll take you on a tour 😀

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What sumptuous photos! Thank you for sharing!

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Thank you for reading and for getting this project going!!

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