I echo everything that Lauren said. Kyle and I were on the fence forever, we had built such a fun life for ourselves and we didn't want to "ruin" it. What we have now with our little Rumi is not broken but it's definitely different from what we had before and I will grieve for that life forever. I have birth when I was 37 and Kyle was 44. We are a healthier generation than our parents were. A lot of milestones are pushed to later in life... we weren't sure if we wanted a kid but one day we were.

What I am grateful for is that as a culture we seem to be growing more and more open and aware that there is a much vaster number of choices and life paths than we previously thought.

My one piece of advice is to just take care of yourself and your relationship with your husband and out of that love, the best choice for YOU will emerge. You don't owe anybody an explanation.

I am so glad you finally started writing in public. 🥰🥰🥹

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Thank you so much for your kind words, Petya! I am so lucky that our paths crossed. I love your advice to focus on self and relationship. It must be difficult to look back and imagine a life without Rumi! I feel like having a child must change your entire outlook on the meaning of life and what is important. You inspire me in that you're raising this awesome little kid, working a cool job and following your passions with reading and writing all at the same time. You're a true Wonder Woman in my book. One of these days we've got to make this retreat happen so I can grill you on how you do it! 🥰

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Gabriella, I commend you for sharing so vulnerably on such a tricky topic. You brought me to tears several times. Thank you for opening up a much needed conversation for our generation. I sometimes feel paralyzed with what decision to make-waking up in the middle of the night with racing thoughts about my future regrets. As I turn 36 this year, the pressure sits so heavy on my chest on whether to expand our family or not. I've never been 100% drawn to either camp, just painfully and awkwardly dangling on the fence looking in both directions and waiting for the "times-up" buzzer to ring. I'm grateful for this article and hearing your story. Your writing is beautiful, clever, and very enjoyable to read. 🩷 May we find peace and acceptance to whatever outcome awaits us. xx

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Lauren, it means the world to me to know this resonated with you. I hit publish and was saying to myself "...we're really just gonna put it all out there, huh?" Thank you so much for your encouragement and making this platform feel like a place for real connection. You've explained so well how this decision can feel, that waking up in the middle of the night anxiety.

I hear you!! Cheers to us as we navigate this crazy time of life <3

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