Currently on a mountain trip and I’ve been seeing mushrooms everywhere! My parents grew up mushroom hunting in Russia so I love sending them the pics and having them IMMEDIATELY tell me what kind of mushroom it is. Such a fun hobby.

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Ohhh I love that you have designated mushroom identifier! I downloaded an app last night and was going through putting my old mushroom photos through it for IDs. Now I know there are more poisonous mushrooms in my area than I was aware haha! A mountain trip sounds dreamy, especially with little mushrooms all around. Love it. <3

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This was so joyous and curious of you. I love that you did this.

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"he could have stuck store-bought shiitakes in the dirt and I would’ve been none the wiser" - I laughed out loud visualizing this. Can you imagine!? What an incredible story though - from farmers markets to Estee Lauder - you just never know what's around the corner, right?

I'm so inspired by this, literally googling if there is a Steve-equivalent in my local area. 🍄‍🟫🍄

Great article Gabriella! xx

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Thank you, Lauren! It was so fun. Apparently, Vancouver Island is a really great place for mushroom hunting. I bet you could find some really cool ones!

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